Publish the website

Important: Before publishing your site, make sure to delete the content of the ** CNAME ** file or replace the content with the url of your website.

Once you’ve configured your website, imported data and edited texts, you can publish the website to verify that everything works as it should.

At first, your username and the repository name will be reflected on your website URL address once it’s published. It should be

  1. Below your repository name there are several tabs. Click on the last one: “Settings”.

  2. Scroll down to GitHub Pages section, and click on Source the master branch option.

  3. The page will refresh, scroll down again to Github Pages and you should see Your site is ready to be published at your_url on top of the section.

    Note: After publishing your site for the first time, you can customize the URL. For more information about setting your website address, click here.

  4. Click on the URL to see your published site.

For more information, you can check GitHub’s official documentation.

Important: Don’t use the same URL as in the original repository because you won’t be able to see the site.

Iframe versions

Tower Builder has versions that can be inserted as an iframe in other websites, after publishing your site you can access this version by adding the parameter ?iframe to your url. For example, to see the iframe version of our demo, you can visit this link:

To insert the visualization or slider iframe, add to your url /iframe-visualization or /iframe-slider, you can see an example of our demo in the following links: