TowerBuilder updates

TowerBuilder, the base with which you are building your website, may have occasional updates, which means that if you want to have the latest safety updates, you need to keep your repository synchronized with the original. The process to synchronize repositories consists of the following steps:

  1. In your browser, open the repository home page (
  2. Click on the “Compare” button, located above the upper-right corner of the files directory.
  3. The next screen will show the changes you made on your TowerBuilder version, but this isn’t exactly what we want to see, we want to see the changes made in TowerBuilder’s original repository. Below the title, there is a drop-down menu to select the repository. Use it to select yours.
  4. On the next screen, right below “Comparing changes” there is a text that reads “Choose two branches to see what’s changed or to start a new pull request. If you need to, you can also compare across forks”. Click on “compare across forks”.
  5. You’ll see the previous screen drop-down menus are enabled again. Now you’ll need to use the third selector from the left to choose Towerbuilder’s base repository (ProjectPODER/TowerBuilder). This will show all changes made on the master repository, which are the updates you need for your repository. If you have no updates, “There isn’t anything to compare” will pop up and you won’t need to continue.
  6. Click on the green “Create pull request” button. A text editor will pop up where you can enter a message. You don’t have to, but it’s better to add one that states you’re updating from the master repository.
  7. You can click again the green “Create pull request” button.
  8. In the following screen, a green icon with a check mark should show there are no conflicts. If there are any conflicts between the repositories, this icon won’t appear and updates won’t continue. You need to click right under the green “Merge pull request” button icon. The button’s text will change to “Confirm merge”, click it again to finish the synchronization process.

Follow these steps periodically to keep up with changes and upgrades of the master repository.